Microsoft lanza una iniciativa de investigación científica para luchar contra el cambio climático

 El uso de tecnologías como la Inteligencia Artificial y el cloud computing serán clave en el impulso de la investigación científica para mitigar los efectos del calentamiento global. | 01/07/2022 13:03
Microsoft ha anunciado la Iniciativa de Investigación Climática (Microsoft Climate Research Initiative -MCRI-), integrada por una comunidad de investigadores multidisciplinares que trabajarán de forma colaborativa para abordar y luchar contra el cambio climático.

Los expertos que conforman la iniciativa ofrecen una experiencia transdisciplinaria y diversa, particularmente en áreas más allá de la informática tradicional, como ciencias ambientales, química y una variedad de disciplinas de ingeniería. En principio, se centrarán en tres áreas críticas dentro de la investigación climática, donde los avances computacionales pueden impulsar transformaciones científicas clave: superar las limitaciones para la descarbonización, reducir las incertidumbres en la contabilidad del carbono y evaluar los riesgos climáticos con más detalle.

Se espera que todos los resultados de esta iniciativa se hagan públicos y estén disponibles gratuitamente para la comunidad científica e impulsar aún más de esta forma la investigación y la búsqueda de soluciones para estos importantes problemas climáticos.

Proyecto conjunto entre la Universidad de Valencia y la Universidad de Reading (UK) sobre resiliencia ambiental

Entre los proyectos de investigación destaca uno de la Universitat de València y la Universidad de Reading (UK), que junto a Microsoft Research, busca desarrollar una nueva generación de algoritmos de IA para modelar y comprender el impacto de las intervenciones humanitarias en la seguridad alimentaria en África.

El proyecto Causal4Africa, en el que trabajan el profesor Gustau Camps-Valls de la Universitat de Valencia, Ted Shepherd de Universidad de Reading y los expertos de Microsoft Research Alberto Arribas Herranz , Emre Kiciman y Lester Mackey, investiga el problema de la seguridad alimentaria en África desde un punto de vista novedoso de inferencia causal y con ayuda de la IA.

Entre sus objetivos se encuentra demostrar la utilidad de los enfoques causales del Machine Learning para la evaluación del riesgo climático, al permitir la interpretación y evaluación de las probabilidades y posibles consecuencias de intervenciones humanas específicas.

Otros proyectos en los que colaboran los expertos de Microsoft Research junto a científicos, investigadores y universidades de todo el mundo, se centran en buscar nuevas formas para mejorar la contabilidad de carbono; la reducción y eliminación de CO2 y proyectos de resiliencia ambiental.

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  • 1
    Laurie Longo - 20-06-2023 00:04:29

    I haven’t been with PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for long at all however I got an excellent service…. I spoke with PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST and he was attentive, knowledgeable and easy to speak with, during the conversation I explained my credit situation, I felt excited about getting my credit situation in order. I can’t believe what my eyes have seen on my credit report. They increased my credit score to 805 TransUnion, 808 Equifax, and 811 Experian. PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST has made me feel like we were in my credit situation together, like we are a team. I’m super excited I sincerely recommend them: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM

  • 2
    Sarah Ruffi - 17-06-2023 00:08:03

    I recently have had a lot of issues with my credit score and I have tried a lot of different programs and none of them really helped me as PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. I contacted them and they helped me step by step and I’m really thankful for their effort and service. I have recommended them to my friends and family. I also recommend everyone else to give them a try! You won’t regret it! Hit them by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM

  • 3
    Kelvin Trost - 14-06-2023 22:37:51

    Overall great experience with PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST! My credit score started in the dumps and I didn’t have any clue on where to start for it to get better. I will be buying a house in the next year so repairing my credit was necessary. PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST worked with me every step of the way and conducted honest business which is very RARE when it comes to credit repair. Overall I would recommend them. Contact them by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM OR TEXT PHONE: +1 (872) 265 2951. 

  • 4
    Debbie Smith - 12-06-2023 23:21:12

    PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST provided a delightful experience. He was so helpful and knowledgeable about my best course of action to repair my credit. I’ve been avoiding this dark area in my life and thinking about fixing my credit gave me great anxiety, but PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST helped me prioritize my steps for resolving my bad credit and it was almost comparable to therapy! Thank you PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for your wonderful customer service and expertise. You can contact them by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM / OR +1 (872) 265 2951. I’m lucky to have you guys. 

  • 5
    Harry Dunk - 10-06-2023 22:52:29

    I am so happy to have consulted a Credit Specialist. I had many negative items on my credit, (late payments, hard inquiries, collections, card debts) which kept my credit score from getting better (657, 643 and 649). I could not access any loan, so I started looking for ways to salvage my condition; I came across a 5 STAR REVIEW about JERRYLINK CREDIT GROUP on a credit forum. I looked them up and discovered they are highly rated. I contacted them via ( They helped me dispute all negative items and boosted my score to excellent across all three bureaus. Right now I have a clean profile with wonderful trade lines. I’m recommending their services to anyone in dire need of credit fix.

  • 6
    Ann Kolber - 10-06-2023 22:11:46

    Just want to share how I fixed my bad credit to an excellent credit. 2 years ago I was battling with issues of low credit, which made my life so miserable. I had a credit score of 601 (TransUnion), 580 (Equifax), 530 (Experian). I applied for an auto loan for the first time but was not approved due to my low credit score. No company agreed to employ me. There’s this special joy in my heart after I found PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST, my pastor recommending him after I explained to him about my credit situation. I contacted him explaining my credit problems. Duly he came up with a resounding proposal and guaranteed me of an EXCELLENT credit score of 811 (TransUnion), 803 (Equifax) and 815(Experian) which he did within 6 days. I got approved of my car and most especially got myself together. I strongly recommend him for your credit fix. Contact him by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM / +1 (872) 265 2951. 

  • 7
    frank benjamine - 07-06-2023 10:15:56

    Dark Horse Intelligence remains the best credit expertise I have known. I had 23 negative items on my credit report that were holding me back. Five of them are from Capital one another from Wells Fargo which I paid off and I am not sure of the others but they are not more than 6 years old. I filed bankruptcy 5years ago and settled with all of these. My attention was called that they are still on my reports I recently got referred by my best friend to hire which I did and they helped fix my credit and my score improved by a huge leap. I recommend anyone that needs to fix his or her credit to get through with Dark Horse Intelligence they are just the best. Kudos to the entire team.

  • 8
    Aaron Lloyd - 07-06-2023 09:47:46

    I had about 195k in debt. Most of it is my mortgage and 2 car loans. I was wanting to pay off the rest of my debt to make it easier to pay my car loan and mortgage so that my credit score can go high. All this debt did a serious harm to my credit profile, my credit score dropped to 526. I was at an all-time low, then ran to a friend and narrated everything to him then he introduced me to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST who happens to be a CREDIT SCORE hacker. Within 6 days, he raised my credit score to 802 across board and deleted all the debt from my credit report and replaced them with beautiful trade lines. I’m ever grateful and indebted to him for such a discreet service. WRITE HIM ON: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM / TEXT HIM: +1 (872) 265 2951. And consider your job done. 

  • 9
    Jennifer Holland - 06-06-2023 07:53:19

    My husband and I went to buy a house this year (for the first time). We started making changes in our credit history late last year but to no avail. Current score was 616 (me) and 605 (him). We tried getting it higher on our own way but it didn't work out. No negative other than 3 missed school loan payments from me (2017), I did not know they went into repayment. We have about 9k (51% usage) in credit card debt. We have a car loan (18k total). I have 50k in student loans. I implore you to get in touch with PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM OR +1 (872) 265 2951. He promised to fix my report within 6 days. He got my score up to 804 (me) 811 (him) and also all the negative items and credit card debt has been gone. Now we’re eligible to buy a house. His fee is very affordable and he always keeps to his word and time frame.  

  • 10
    Bill Ratliff Jr - 03-06-2023 01:08:54

    Email "XAPCREDITSOLUTION at GMAIL dot COM" and get your credit fixed. I have 2 paid off condos. I had health issues and got back on my bills. I need to pay off all my debts and want to use the equity in my property. Worked very hard for 18 months to make sure my score got to the high 700s, I was disappointed the last time I checked and saw that there was no improvement. One beautiful evening after I got off work I was surfing the internet trying to figure out away to bring up my score then I came across different articles/testimonials sorts of but I read one that caught my attention ravishingly speaking and recommending a particular specialist named XAP and I’ve read about him on different reputable credit sites, I copied his email and contacted him thereafter which he replied and told me he’s fully back in service. To cut the story short, he started the repair and got my score to exactly 789 and deleted negative items replacing them with awesome tradelines.

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