Microsoft lanza una iniciativa de investigación científica para luchar contra el cambio climático

 El uso de tecnologías como la Inteligencia Artificial y el cloud computing serán clave en el impulso de la investigación científica para mitigar los efectos del calentamiento global. | 01/07/2022 13:03
Microsoft ha anunciado la Iniciativa de Investigación Climática (Microsoft Climate Research Initiative -MCRI-), integrada por una comunidad de investigadores multidisciplinares que trabajarán de forma colaborativa para abordar y luchar contra el cambio climático.

Los expertos que conforman la iniciativa ofrecen una experiencia transdisciplinaria y diversa, particularmente en áreas más allá de la informática tradicional, como ciencias ambientales, química y una variedad de disciplinas de ingeniería. En principio, se centrarán en tres áreas críticas dentro de la investigación climática, donde los avances computacionales pueden impulsar transformaciones científicas clave: superar las limitaciones para la descarbonización, reducir las incertidumbres en la contabilidad del carbono y evaluar los riesgos climáticos con más detalle.

Se espera que todos los resultados de esta iniciativa se hagan públicos y estén disponibles gratuitamente para la comunidad científica e impulsar aún más de esta forma la investigación y la búsqueda de soluciones para estos importantes problemas climáticos.

Proyecto conjunto entre la Universidad de Valencia y la Universidad de Reading (UK) sobre resiliencia ambiental

Entre los proyectos de investigación destaca uno de la Universitat de València y la Universidad de Reading (UK), que junto a Microsoft Research, busca desarrollar una nueva generación de algoritmos de IA para modelar y comprender el impacto de las intervenciones humanitarias en la seguridad alimentaria en África.

El proyecto Causal4Africa, en el que trabajan el profesor Gustau Camps-Valls de la Universitat de Valencia, Ted Shepherd de Universidad de Reading y los expertos de Microsoft Research Alberto Arribas Herranz , Emre Kiciman y Lester Mackey, investiga el problema de la seguridad alimentaria en África desde un punto de vista novedoso de inferencia causal y con ayuda de la IA.

Entre sus objetivos se encuentra demostrar la utilidad de los enfoques causales del Machine Learning para la evaluación del riesgo climático, al permitir la interpretación y evaluación de las probabilidades y posibles consecuencias de intervenciones humanas específicas.

Otros proyectos en los que colaboran los expertos de Microsoft Research junto a científicos, investigadores y universidades de todo el mundo, se centran en buscar nuevas formas para mejorar la contabilidad de carbono; la reducción y eliminación de CO2 y proyectos de resiliencia ambiental.

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  • 1
    Wesley Avery - 16-08-2023 21:52:51

    Hi, Previously I’ve been trying to improve my credit score to qualify for an FHA mortgage. I was trying to make this happen, I’m on a month to month lease so it wouldn’t require a last minute hassle to move. Plus, my apartment was moldy and flooded. I’ve been working with a lender agent who has done a soft pull to look at my credit and suggested I contact PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST because my credit score was low. I was at TransUnion 520, Equifax 532 and Experian 560. He said I need to be at least 700 to qualify. I don’t often write reviews but PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST blew my mind after so many credit firms toyed with me and screwed me up. He finally got my credit fixed. He increased my credit score to TransUnion 806, Equifax 802 and Experian 811. He also played off the 2 Midland collections on my credit report. I’m now qualified for an FHA mortgage; I’m so excited all thanks to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. You can do yours. Quickly contact him by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM

  • 2
    Andrew Alpert - 15-08-2023 01:06:58

    Having a good credit score is crucial for financial stability and access to various opportunities. However, many individuals encounter difficulties when it comes to repairing their damaged credit history. This has led to the proliferation of credit repair companies that promise to restore creditworthiness. One such company is PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. This article aims to explore the question: Is PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST the best credit repair company? Throughout the discussion, we will analyse the company's services, customer feedback, and industry reputation to arrive at a definitive answer. Services Offered by PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST: PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST offers a range of services aimed at helping individuals repair their credit. These services include credit report analysis, dispute filing, debt negotiation, and credit education. Each service is intended to address different aspects of credit repair, showcasing the company's comprehensive approach to resolving clients' credit issues. Customer Feedback: To determine the effectiveness of PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST, it is essential to examine the experiences of its customers. Online reviews and testimonials offer insight into the quality of service provided. Numerous positive reviews highlight the company's commitment to customer satisfaction, praising its prompt responses, knowledgeable staff, and successful credit repair outcomes. These testimonials demonstrate that PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST has consistently delivered positive results for its clients. Industry Reputation: Another aspect to consider when evaluating a credit repair company is its reputation within the industry. PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST has established itself as a trustworthy and reliable organization. It adheres to industry regulations and follows ethical practices, ensuring clients' interests are protected. The company has also received recognition and awards for its exceptional service, further solidifying its reputation within the credit repair industry. Track Record of Success: A vital factor in determining the best credit repair company is its track record of success. PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST has a proven history of helping clients improve their credit scores and financial well-being. By providing personalized strategies for each client's unique situation, they have consistently achieved remarkable results. This effectiveness distinguishes PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST as a leader in the credit repair industry. Based on an analysis of PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST's services, customer feedback, reputation, and track record of success, it can be confidently asserted that PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST is indeed one of the best credit repair companies available. The company's comprehensive range of credit repair services, positive customer testimonials, strong industry reputation, and successful outcomes demonstrate its commitment to assisting individuals in achieving financial stability. Contact them by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM / +1 (541) 286 5453.

  • 3
    Mark Hayes - 11-08-2023 22:20:18

    COVID really hit me hard financially as I’m sure has been a consistent theme here. I started my rebuilding in January of this year. Experian FICO 8 Score 576, 15 Hard Inquiries and 8 late payments. I had this mindset, I’ll be in the 700+ before the end of the year. I needed help and I found PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST here, so I decided to give them a try. 6 days after they increased my score to 800+ across the 3 credit bureaus, they also removed all hard inquiries from the credit report and all late payment was marked as paid on time. I confirmed it myself. I can’t keep the GOOD NEWS to my help because I know so many people out there are looking forward to getting the same testimony. All thanks to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. Reach them via: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM OR TEXT (541) 286 5453.

  • 4
    Vanessa Moss - 09-08-2023 23:33:41

    I have been searching for so long on how to fix my credit score, earlier 2022 I had a credit score of 491, charge offs and several negative items and collections. Today I finally found the right company PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST and was able to get my score high to 800s across board within 6 days and also removed all negative items and charge offs from my credit report. I now have a new credit report with a clean history. If you’ve a bad credit profile, you can contact them. I’m super grateful for their services. Just want to share my GOOD NEWS!!! You can reach them via: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM

  • 5
    Gregory Dell - 28-07-2023 00:10:47

    In today's financially-driven world, credit plays a vital role in shaping our financial futures. A good credit score can open doors to opportunities such as securing loans, obtaining favourable interest rates, and even influencing job prospects. However, individuals often find themselves facing credit issues due to various reasons. This has led to the emergence of credit repair companies and specialists who claim to help individuals regain control over their credit scores. I’ll analyse the effectiveness of credit repair companies and specialists, emphasizing Pinnacle Credit Specialist as an organization that truly delivers results. 1. Understanding Credit Repair: Credit repair involves the process of improving an individual's creditworthiness and credit score by identifying and rectifying inaccuracies, errors, and negative items on their credit reports. Credit repair companies and specialists possess the expertise and knowledge required to navigate complex credit systems and guide individuals towards credit improvement. 2. The Effectiveness of Credit Repair Companies: While scepticism may surround the credit repair industry, there are ample success stories that testify to the effectiveness of credit repair. Reputable companies like PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST have consistently helped countless individuals recover from financial setbacks, improve their credit scores, and restore their financial stability. Through their proven methodologies and personalized strategies, PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST can make a significant difference in an individual's credit journey. 3. Expertise and Specialization at PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST: PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST is an exemplary credit repair company that stands out in the industry due to its commitment to excellence. With years of experience and a team of skilled professionals, they possess deep knowledge of credit reporting laws and regulations. This expertise allows them to challenge questionable items on credit reports, negotiate with creditors, and remove inaccuracies that may be holding individuals back from achieving a good credit score. 4. Tailored Solutions for Every Situation: Each individual's credit situation is unique, and PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST recognizes this by providing personalized solutions. Through careful analysis of credit reports, they create customized plans of action designed to address specific credit issues. Whether it's removing late payments, erroneous collections, or other negative marks, PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST offers a comprehensive approach that gives individuals the best chance at credit restoration. 5. Trust and Positive Testimonials: A credit repair company's reputation is crucial in determining its credibility. PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST has earned trust through its stellar track record of success stories from satisfied clients. Numerous testimonials highlight their ability to improve credit scores significantly, often in a shorter time frame than individuals could achieve on their own. Such positive feedback strengthens the argument that PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST are indeed capable of fixing credit and are worth considering. PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST have proven their ability to fix credit by delivering concrete results. While there may be unscrupulous entities within the industry, it is essential to recognize and recommend companies like PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST that genuinely make a positive impact on the lives of individuals struggling with credit issues. Their expertise, tailored solutions, and strong reputation demonstrate the effectiveness of credit repair companies in empowering individuals to reclaim their financial well-being. Therefore, for those seeking credit improvement, considering PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST as a partner is a wise decision. CONTACT THEM BY EMAIL: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM

  • 6
    Christine Hein - 26-07-2023 13:48:30

    Hey guys I’m 23 I had several late payments because I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. I was in the hospital for a while. Then I lost my job, started using my credit cards to pay bills and maxed them. I had never missed a payment before I had any of my issues. I had collection accounts but they don’t show on my 3B report. I had 20 accounts which are my negatives. All this brought down my credit score to Equifax 496, TransUnion 518 and Experian 490. The best option I got was to get myself a credit repair company which my local attorney recommended to me as a PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST to me. I didn’t hesitate to contact them and I’m glad I did because PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST turned in my credit score Equifax 809, TransUnion 811 and Experian 803. They wiped all the negative items from my credit report. PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST also assisted my parents to fix their credit report. Quickly use their email to reach them: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM

  • 7
    Crypto intel - 22-07-2023 18:51:51

    ARE YOU A VICTIM OF INVESTMENT OR NFT SCAM? DO YOU WANT TO INVESTIGATE A CHEATING SPOUSE? DO YOU DESIRE CREDIT REPAIR (ALL BUREAUS)? SCHEDULE A MEETING WITH AN ETHICAL HACKER ASAP TO GET STARTED. ASOREHACKCORP is a financial regulator, private investigation and funds recovery body. We specialize in cases as regards ETHICAL HACKING, CRYPTOCURRENCY, FAKE INVESTMENT SCHEMES and RECOVERY SCAM. We are also experts in CREDIT REPAIR, we analyze what’s impacting your score. All software tools needed to execute RECOVERIES from start to finish are available in stock. Kindly NOTE that the available tools does NOT apply to CREDIT FIX. Be ALERT to FALSE reviews and testimonies on the internet, the authors and perpetrators unite to form a syndicate. Contact our team as soon as you can via the email address below to book a mail meeting with an ethical hacker. asorehackcorp@ gmail com Stay Safe out there !

  • 8
    Jason Powell - 22-07-2023 15:25:49

    I had a BK-7 on my TransUnion report. The date is incorrect. It shows from 2016 but BK was in 2012. I also had 60 days late on a car loan from 2019, no collection and charge off Citi bank from 2019 paid. Started rebuilding December 2021 with 522 FICO 8 but none of the strategies worked. I have to look for a credit repair company which my colleague at work recommended to me as a PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST to me. I believed her because I knew she was having a bad credit score but that day she showed me her credit score was above 800+ I contacted them immediately to be honest I was not disappointed. Within 6 days PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST wiped out all baddies on my credit report and increased my FICO SCORE to 811 I’m so EXCITED for what they did for me on my credit report. If you need help in fixing your credit, I will recommend them to you via: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM

  • 9
    Jeremy Eldridge - 20-07-2023 23:52:16

    I can testify to a great service from PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST about credit repair. I had some inquiries, 2 late payments and my collection. I also had bankruptcy that came off in December with a low credit score of 561.  Even disputed it with Peter from Clerk but to no avail. I was in a terrible situation that I needed to repair my credit. I came across this great credit specialist called PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST on this forum, with so many amazing reviews. I contacted them but I never believed them until they proved me wrong, by removing all late payments, inquiries and collection from my credit report, I also increased my credit score to 811 excellent standards. I now have a clean credit report. Contact him now for help: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM

  • 10
    Barbie Lieber - 18-07-2023 20:43:01

    My credit score was stagnant at around 560 for TU, EX and EQ. Currently, I was waiting for my charge off and late payment to fall off. My credit goal is 780, which is 220 points from where I was. I was wondering if it was possible to increase my score by 220 points because of the late payments and charge off on my credit report. Until a friend directed me to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST, I tell you I didn’t regret adhering to that advice to repair my credit. I’m better now and my credit score is 800s across board and all late payment and charge off has been removed permanently from my credit report. You too can contact them: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM

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