CONVOCATORIA selecciona 48 empresas para integrar el Pabellón España en MWC Barcelona 2023

El Pabellón de España en el MWC Barcelona 2023, que se celebrará entre el 27 de febrero y el 2 de marzo, acogerá a 48 empresas del ámbito digital y del sector de las telecomunicaciones, un incremento importante con respecto a las 35 que participaron el año pasado, y que refleja la importancia de la economía digital y tecnológica en el escenario post-COVID. | 29/07/2022 12:18
El Pabellón de España en el MWC se ha convertido en uno de los espacios de mayor visibilidad e impacto para las empresas en la cita anual de la tecnología y las telecomunicaciones. Así, en la edición 2022, la mitad de los asistentes al MWC Barcelona visitó el Pabellón de España., entidad pública adscrita al Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital a través de la Secretaría de Estado de Digitalización e Inteligencia Artificial, realizará la selección de las empresas. La convocatoria ya está abierta, y se pueden presentar solicitudes hasta el próximo 20 de septiembre a través de su web.

El Pabellón de España en el MWC, una oportunidad de expansión para las empresas españolas

Con el objetivo de favorecer la internacionalización y la visibilidad de las medianas y pequeñas empresas del sector de tecnologías de la información y comunicación, la convocatoria de para formar parte del Pabellón de España va dirigida a empresas con hasta 500 empleados. En las bases de la convocatoria también se incluyen criterios preferenciales para aquellas empresas con hasta 250 empleados, que no hayan participado previamente

La iniciativa presenta atractivos especiales para las empresas, que podrán tener visibilidad y posibilidades de negocio en un espacio altamente demandado y de relevancia mundial.

Las empresas seleccionadas contarán, entre otros servicios, con soporte integral, logística, pases, y presencia en los productos de comunicación del MWC, web del Congreso y del Pabellón de España y el catálogo oficial.

Se espera que la edición de 2023 del MWC Barcelona tenga un notorio incremento en el número de visitantes y el impacto económico, acercándose a las cifras del año previo al COVID19, cuando se contabilizaron 109.000 asistentes y un impacto económico de 473 millones de euros.

Con la iniciativa del Pabellón España, que gestiona desde 2006, busca impulsar las posibilidades de negocio y la visibilidad internacional de empresas españolas del sector TIC y digital, en un contexto de aceleración de las iniciativas y productos vinculados al sector,  gracias al impulso de los fondos europeos y de iniciativas públicas como el Kit Digital, el despliegue del 5G, el énfasis en el desarrollo de la ciberseguridad, o la digitalización de la Administración Pública.

El plazo para presentar solicitudes finaliza el 20 de septiembre.

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  • 1
    John McKinney - 19-06-2024 02:30:48

    It’s with great experience, I would say Bitcoin recovery is real for sure. To those who find themselves in a similar situation, My journey to recovering my stolen money was not just a financial victory; it was a triumph of perseverance and hope. It began with the shock of realizing I had fallen victim to a sophisticated scam. The feeling of betrayal was palpable, as was the fear that I might never see my hard-earned money again. However, I refused to let this incident define my fate. I took immediate action, through multiple searches. I discovered Morrison's recovery a way to get your money back, I provided them with all the details of the transaction, the communication with the scammer, and any other relevant information that could assist in the investigation. The road to recovery was paved with patience. There were days filled with anxiety and uncertainty, but I held onto the belief that justice would prevail, and it did. After a prolific investigation and the diligent efforts of Mr. Morrison and his team, I was able to recover my stolen money. This experience taught me the importance of vigilance in the digital age. It also highlighted the power of resilience. To anyone facing a similar ordeal, know that there is hope. Take swift action, cooperate with Morrison's recovery, and maintain faith in the system designed to protect us. Feel free to personalize this testimony with more specific details about your experience, such as how you identified the scam, the steps you took, and how you felt through out the process. Remember, your story can serve as a beacon of hope for others in similar situations. If you need further assistance or revisions, please rich out to

  • 2
    susieapplin - 18-06-2024 05:23:16

    It's very shameful indeed. It still feels to me to fall for some swindlers online who stole $13,500 BTC from me and blocked me. I tried all the seemingly reasonable recommendations I got and nothing worked until I saw Space Spy Recovery's response. I had missed it as their email came in my spam folder and immediately I followed up by providing requested data and they were able to track the transaction and my money returned. You can contact them too for assistance through Email: at WhatsApp: Telegram: @spacespy65 Skype: live:.cid.2b75b0cf1ce9bf69 Website: website: Youtube:

  • 3
    comfort leslie - 18-06-2024 04:05:23

    This review is solely based upon the authenticity and efficiency of monitoring apps, it's quite obvious there are many malicious and dubious apps and reviews that are under the guise of being real. The best and less tedious way to see who your partner is texting or calling is by using dedicated monitoring apps created by people like Kingston ( These apps make it easy to track incoming and outgoing texts and calls on your partner’s phone without them ever knowing you're doing so. These apps are designed to be completely undetectable, meaning that even if someone checks their phone for suspicious activity, they won't be able to spot the monitoring app running in the background. One of the benefits you would fancy most about the monitoring app it's ability to access your partner's text messages and call logs on all social networks. Isn't that cool? you should give it a trial like I did without any regrets! CONTACT;KINGSTON@CYBER-WIZARD.COM

  • 4
    Jacalyn Armstrong - 15-06-2024 08:38:43

    It will be bad to keep this alone to myself. I came across the best  Advance ATM CARD hacker  who really helped me to get 200,000 dollars which has a 5,000 daily withdrawal limit, they are very honest and diligent in their work. All I did was to order for the ATM card  and  after  4 working days  I received my own ATM card from the delivery company with the card pin number. To my greatest surprise, the ATM card works at the ATM machine in my country   . Contact her via: WhatsApp number +33758779954  

  • 5
    William Tang - 12-06-2024 09:51:51

    CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR RETURNED CRYPTO FROM SCAMMERS - Using Crypto Legitimate Recovery has a lot of advantages. First and foremost, victims can rest easy knowing that there is a possibility of getting their lost money back. Second, by holding con artists responsible, victims can aid in the battle against cybercrime and stop others from becoming victims of the same schemes. Ultimately, victims can avoid wasting time and effort trying to retrieve their money by using Crypto Legitimate Recovery Services. With Crypto Legitimate Recovery experience, victims can feel certain that their case is in capable hands even though recovering lost assets can be a difficult and time-consuming procedure. They can be reached through the link below. Email: TELEGRAM: @cryptolegitimate You can also contact them for the service below

  • 6
    Andrew Matvei - 13-05-2024 16:27:58

    I came in hand with greatness today, after mysteriously losing control of my Binance wallet and my trading account to LCGCOIN, I did everything they asked me but truth be told, this LCGCOIN crypto trading platform is just a bunch of rippers and clowns who prey on us due to our lack of exposure about cryptocurrency and how to properly earn from it. I saw no end to their demands for them to allow me access to my Binance wallet and trading account with them as well. I hired a private detective in my city, Oklahoma and he confirmed to me they were crooks but he couldn't do much so he introduced me to Cyber Genie Hack Pro Crypto Wealth Recovery Services. I consulted them and filed a case on their website ( ht tp (://)   cybergeniehackpro (.) xy z/  ), and they swiftly got into work. I am truly impressed with the outcome of their recovery services. Having back access to my money was all I wanted. Every dollar I ever deposited into my LCGCOIN trading account was recovered. Everything is in order and my security is tight to avoid further cyber attacks. Grateful to everyone that made the recovery a success at Cyber-Genie-Hack-Pro. File a case with Cyber Genie if you are a victim of Binary and Cryptocurrency trading fraud. TELEGRAM:  @CYBERGENIEHACKPRO WHATSAPP:  (+) (1252) (5120391)

  • 7
    John Bill - 01-05-2024 08:38:29

    BTC/CRYPTO STOLEN OR LOST TRACING & RECOVERY MASTERS My wife and I lost $322,000 Btc to a fake cryptocurrency investment platform A few months Ago, We had made an investment with an online broker who pretended to work with an investment Firm that helped traders and he literally promised huge profits who at the end scammed us and wasn't even responding to our messages. This really hit us hard to a point my wife had suicidal thoughts. Fortunately for us,An old family friend who previously worked with my wife Referred us to this Recovery Masters. As they refer to themselves,They checked on our case and assured us our funds were recoverable.Their services and responses were professional and satisfying. They were able to recover $293,500 Btc We really appreciated them for their help, although not all the funds were recovered. In case you need their services, Email Address: TELEGRAM: @captainjackcrypto1 You can also contact them for the service below.

  • 8
    Rachel Vanderthorne - 19-04-2024 09:19:22

    Don’t be deceived by different testimonies online that is most likely wrong. I have made use of several LOVE SPELL CASTER options that got me disappointed at the end of the day but I must confess that Dr Adoda is genius I eventually found out here on It’s better you devise your time to find the valid professionas that can help you restore your Broken Marriage/Relationship Ex back rather than falling victim of other amateur spell caster that cannot get the job done. is the most reliable and authentic spell caster expert you can work with to bring back lost lover .my ex-lover called me after my contact with Dr Adoda and he helped me get back on my feet and I’m very grateful for that.

  • 9
    Jonathan Bill - 20-03-2024 03:33:55

    HIRE A CERTIFIED CRYPTO RECOVERY EXPERT \ CAPTAIN JACK CRYPTO RECOVERY In the world of cryptocurrency, the security of Bitcoin (BTC) transactions is of utmost importance. However, despite the best precautions, there may be instances where BTC is lost, misplaced, or stolen. This is where CAPTAIN JACK CRYPTO RECOVERY comes into play, providing effective tools and solutions for BTC recovery. Bitcoin (BTC), the pioneering cryptocurrency, has taken the financial world by storm. Its meteoric rise, coupled with tales of overnight riches, has lured investors of all stripes. However, before diving headfirst into the alluring realm of BTC, a sober understanding of its inherent risks and potential pitfalls is crucial. Bitcoin (BTC) has emerged as one of the most popular and widely discussed investment options in recent years, attracting a growing number of individuals seeking financial opportunities in the digital realm. However, venturing into the world of BTC investments comes with its own set of risks and pitfalls that require careful consideration. This is no typical group of tech-savvy people, this is CAPTAIN JACK CRYPTO RECOVERY. They are the digital equivalent of superheroes, stepping in to save the day if your priceless Bitcoin (BTC) is misplaced or taken. CAPTAIN JACK CRYPTO RECOVERY is committed to helping people and companies recover their Bitcoin and reclaim their peace of mind. They do this by using their advanced technology and skills. One day, you become thrilled to check on your Bitcoin investment when you get up, only to discover that it has vanished. Disappeared. vanished out of sight. Not merely because of its monetary value, losing Bitcoin may be extremely distressing. Bitcoin is a symbol of a new era in digital commerce that gives users power. BTC recovery is essential because of this. Regaining control and safeguarding the future of digital currencies are more important than just the money. Modern BTC recovery strategies are based on cutting-edge technology, in contrast to ancient recovery methods that would entail consulting a wise old magician or shaking a crystal ball. CAPTAIN JACK CRYPTO RECOVERY uses a variety of strategies, including working with law enforcement, blockchain forensics, and advanced data analysis. These methods make sure that, in the pursuit of Bitcoin recovery, no digital stone is overlooked. CAPTAIN JACK CRYPTO RECOVERY is your best bet for getting your lost Bitcoin back. How can someone reach out to CAPTAIN JACK CRYPTO RECOVERY? use the information you see below. Email info -

  • 10
    james belich - 19-03-2024 17:19:52

    Winning the lottery was part of my dreams, I tried so hard to win big but all to no avail, until I came across Dr Lucas online who made my dreams come through and made me win 10 million dollars. I was a logistics manager who lives in Lancaster, S.C. and works about an hour's drive away, in Charlotte, N.C., I stopped at a store to buy a scratch-off lottery ticket during my lunch break, because Dr Lucas gave me all the assurance that the numbers are not going to fail after I did all he asked me to do. Dr lucas is a powerful Dr that is on a mission to eradicate poverty from people's lives and i have confirmed that by winning $10 million with the numbers he provided for me, it is my promise to tell the world about my experience with Dr Lucas and that's what I'm doing now, you can win the lottery fast with the help of Dr Lucas he is tested and trusted Email: or WhatsApp +234 904 794 3567 he will help you

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